Dear Editor@Matzav,
I saw your stories and pictures and videos from the Adirei HaTorah and really enjoyed them all.
However, I feel compelled to share the following:
I’m a plain stupid Joe. I work at my job from 9 to 5. I’m off on Sundays and legal holidays and I have to negotiate and trade for Chol Hamoed days. They’re pretty gracious about Yom Tov, but Erev Yom Tov is a full work day.
I get up at 5 each morning, learn from 5:30 till 7, at which time Shacharis begins. I’m at the office at 9:00.
At 5:40, I get home to say hello to my wife and children. Baruch HaShem my children don’t need my help with homework, so I can get to Shul to further learn from 7:15 till 9:35, at which time we daven Maariv.
On Sundays, I learn from 9 till 2:00.
I’m just a plain stupid Joe. No one out there honoring me. Hey, there’s nothing to honor. As I said, I’m a plain stupid Joe.
A Plain Stupid Joe