I am writing to express my frustration with the constant emphasis on money in our frum society. It seems that everywhere I turn in the frum world, people are talking about how much money others have, whether they are bragging about their own wealth or gossiping about the wealth of others.
Not only is this kind of talk tacky and distasteful, it also perpetuates the harmful belief that one’s worth in this velt, this transient Olam Hazeh, is directly tied to their financial status. This mentality is not only untrue, but it also leads to feelings of inadequacy and dissatisfaction among those who may not have as much money.
Furthermore, this constant focus on money distracts us from more important issues and values. It is time for us as a society to shift our priorities and focus on the things that truly matter.
I urge this website to use your platform to raise awareness about the negative effects of this kind of talk and to promote a more positive and healthy perspective on wealth and success.
A Regular Yid