I write this letter with utmost frustration and disappointment regarding a matter that has deeply troubled me. It pertains to the abhorrent lack of food on Shavuos night at certain shuls.
Devoted individuals stay up all night to engage in Torah study, yet they are left starving, with barely any food served in their shuls. Come on. Would it kill to give some refreshments?
Recent failures in adequately providing food on this important night have left me with a bitter taste in my mouth.
One would assume that a place dedicated to spiritual nourishment would also prioritize the physical nourishment of its participants. It is disheartening to witness the lack of attention given to something as basic as ensuring that individuals staying up all night to learn Torah have a nice spread of food and drink.
Lomdim, fueled by their dedication to the Torah, often push themselves to the brink of exhaustion. With an empty stomach and no energy to sustain them, their focus wanes, and the intended purpose of the night is jeopardized. It is a travesty to witness such passion and devotion being overshadowed by hunger and frustration.
I implore our local shuls to rectify this situation immediately. It is the responsibility of the gabbaim and whomever to ensure that there is an ample supply of food and refreshments available throughout the night. Good, delicious food. Additionally, the implementation of a system to oversee the purchase and replenishment of food would help avoid such catastrophes in the future. Our shuls must recognize the importance of attending to the physical needs of their congregants, as it directly impacts their ability to engage fully in the spiritual experience.
A Concerned Member of the Community