Dear Editor,
I am writing this to all the people who have ruined my Yom Tov – and a lot more.
My wife and our five kids were supposed to go to my parents. We’ve never made Pesach and really cannot. Then someone decided that we can’t go because of the virus. Now I have to make my own Pesach, in my dinky little apartment, with 5 kids. I did a shopping and I’m out $1,500 that I don’t have, and we still didn’t get all the things we need. I don’t have the money. And I don’t have the wherewithal to make Pesach.
Social distancing rules would allow me to go away – legally, medically, everything – but some people are now making up rules and imposing them on everyone and they’ve ruined it for us.
Thank you very much for ruining my marriage, my home, my finances and everything else.
A struggling young family
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