by Rabbi Yair Hoffman for It is an incredible story that the author is still trying to verify.  It does appear in an ArtScroll book and was also part of the words of Chizuk given by Rabbi Dovid Frischman to his talmidim. An innocent child is undergoing great suffering.  Insurance won’t cover, and the family is drowning.  Please help if you can. It involves the B’Roshi transportation company and a tragic accident that occurred in Elul of 1963.  Three Yeshiva students were tragically killed in an accident involving a truck,  Their names were Yitzchok Neustadt z”l, Binyomin Friedman z”l, and Mordechai Falk z”l. It involved a dream, and a Kallah, Dvorah Bas Shimon from Argentina, and a lost holocaust survivor – who was found.  It also involves the Mitzvah of Shnayim Mikrah v’Echad Targum. Watch the accompanying video to hear the entire story. The author can be reached at An innocent child is undergoing great suffering.  Insurance won’t cover, and the family is drowning.  Please help if you can.
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