Misaskim of London held a beautiful hachnosas sefer torah on Sunday, ten years after R’ Yanky Meyer z”l first established the UK arm of the organization. Thousands of London residents joined in the festivities, which served as a tribute and aliyas neshama for R’ Yanky z”l. The sefer torah was written at the height of Covid based on the segulah of the Baal Shem Tov, with Sunday’s procession bringing it to Misaskim headquarters in the Golders Green section of London. Misaskim of London members tell YWN that despite being thousands of miles away, R’ Yanky z”l was of constant assistance to its members and served as guided the branch through countless trying times. R’ Yanky z”l was to be the guest of honor at Sunday’s hachnosas sefer torah. Misaskim of London members had contacted him numerous times to find a date when he could fly out to London for the event, not knowing that he was unable to make such a trip due to an illness that was ravaging his body. “We felt him dancing with us today,” a Misaskim member told YWN. “He couldn’t be here physically, but his neshama was with us, and his leadership continues to guide us every day.” (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
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