By Rabbi Berach Steinfeld
The Baal Haturim in Parshas Tetzaveh brings down a Zohar that says there is no Sedra in the Torah since Moshe was born that does not have the name of Moshe in it, except for Parshas Tetzaveh. The reason for this is because in Shmos 32:32 Moshe said, “Forgive the Bnei Yisroel and if not, erase me from your Sefer Torah.” There is a rule that if a chacham makes a curse, even if it said conditionally, it will happen. This therefore happened in Parshas Tetzaveh.
Rabbeinu Bachya on Parshas Tetzaveh asks where do we see a klala of a talmid chacham is mekuyam even if it is said conditionally and the conditions are not met? We find this regarding Moshe, that even though Hashem forgave Bnei Yisroel for the eigel; nevertheless, Moshe’s name is not mentioned in Parshas Tetzaveh.
The Shach al HaTorah says that this is a great mussar that one should not curse him or herself. Even Moshe Rabbeinu, who was moser nefesh to save Am Yisroel, was left with a roshem that his name is not mentioned in Parshas Tetzaveh. That is what the posuk signifies with the word “Ve’Ata Tetzaveh-” you shall command others not to do what you did; which is curse yourself.
The Chida brings down the Shach we mentioned above and says that this problem is a very common occurrence, especially for women who curse others. What ends up happening is that the curses boomerang and is brought about upon them and their children.
The question that needs to be answered is why is Moshe’s name omitted in the Parsha of Tetzaveh? There are a few answers to this question. The first answer is brought down by the Rabbeinu Efraim who says this is because Moshe was initially supposed to be the Kohen Gadol; however, once Moshe refused the shlichus of Hashem, that privilege was taken from him and given to Aharon. Therefore, this is the parsha where Moshe is not mentioned, to soften the blow that Moshe was not Kohen Gadol.
Another reason some say is because Parshas Tetzaveh always comes out during the week of Zayin Adar which is the day of the Yahrtzeit of Moshe Rabbeinu, therefore his name gets omitted from the parsha.
The third reason could be said derech melitzah, that once Moshe said in Ki Sisa that his name should be erased, Hashem had to erase his name. Hashem pushed off being mekayem the klala at every sedra until he came all the way back around to the parsha before Ki Sisa. This is Parshas Tetzaveh. Without any options left, this had to be the parsha missing Moshe’s name.
May we be zocheh to use our words wisely.
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