The Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of Degel HaTorah signed a letter fiercely attacking the Yamina party for its plan to establish a unity government with Yair Lapid which will include left-wing parties. “We are greatly saddened to hear of the intention to form a new government, of which a central and significant part will consist of those who, chalilah, seek to harm the foundation of religion, to carry out severe breaches in Yiddishkeit, and destroy the heritage of generations on which Beis Yisrael rests,” the letter states. “This intention can severely affect the issues of Shemiras Shabbos, the preservation of the uniqueness of Am Yisrael, harm to the pure chinuch transmitted to us from generation to generation, and other similar issues.” “The astonishment is greatly magnified and the pain of Chilul Hashem is deepened by the fact that those who stand as the central foundation of the establishment of this government are the members of Yamina, who present themselves as believing Jews, Shomrei Torah V’Mitzvos.” “It’s unbelievable that such as thing will be told, and if, chalilah, does come to fruition – it is an act of defiance toward Shamayim and a bitter and serious sin.” “Hakadosh Baruch Hu doesn’t account for a negative thought if the deed is not actually committed. Therefore we are calling on all Jews who believe in Hashem, to all who categorize themselves as upholders of tradition and certainly, those who are Shomer Torah V’Mitzvos, to retract their intentions and not have any part of this deed which is considered as uprooting religion and breaching the yesodos of halacha. And we will all daven for our errant brothers that Hakadosh Baruch Hu will arouse them and they will do teshuvah and not be led astray.” “And Hashem, HaTov, Who chose His people Yisrael with love, will dispatch an abundance of goodness from Above to all those who walk in His Ways, will spread His sukkah of peace on us and on all of Yisrael, and we will receive only goodness and chesed for always.” The Moetzes Chachmei HaTorah of Shas published a similar letter, warning that an “unparalleled spiritual danger is lurking over Klal Yisrael, with those who hate religion gaining power, and all the issues important to us – Shabbos, giyur, taharas Am Yisrael, Olam HaTorah and the Jewish character of Eretz Yisrael – are in serious and immediate danger.” “Anyone who has a part in the establishment of such a government is declaring that he has no part or nachala with Elokei Yisrael and any party which joins this government is included in this klal,” the Rabbanim stated. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
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