[Full kol koreh below.] Moments ago, the Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah of America issued a kol koreh prohibiting participation in the upcoming elections for the World Zionist Organization (WZO). The statement, issued in Hebrew and English, emphasizes the importance of adhering to Torah principles and distancing oneself from any movements that undermine Judaism.
The kol koreh opens with a historical reflection on the founding of the Zionist movement 125 years ago, a movement that sought to redefine the Jewish people from a “kingdom of servants of Hashem and a holy people” into a nation akin to all others, defined by a shared language, culture, and land. In their ruling, the gedolim of that time, including Rav Saadiah Gaon, recognized this as a fundamental threat to the foundations of Judaism. The kol koreh states that the gedolim fiercely opposed this movement, declaring that anyone who considers himself a Jew should not support it in any manner.
The statement references prominent Torah leaders from generations past—Chofetz Chaim, the Gerrer Rebbe, Rav Chaim of Brisk, the Chazon Ish, Rav Aharon Kotler, the Steipler Gaon, Rav Elazar Menachem Man Shach, and Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv—who also prohibited joining the World Zionist Organization (WZO). The Chofetz Chaim ruled that joining the WZO was forbidden even if it meant the closure of a third of the yeshivos. The kol koreh also notes the ruling issued by the Slabodka rosh yeshiva, Rav Dov Landau, similarly forbidding joining the WZO.
The statement continues by addressing a group of Chareidi individuals who formed a political party with the declared intention of joining the WZO. The party said it could protect the holy sites of Eretz Yisroel from the Reform movement and direct WZO funds to support the yeshivos. The kol koreh says that this group and others like it are now aggressively campaigning in the WZO elections, seeking votes from those committed to Judaism to become delegates to the WZO.
The kol koreh states, “We do not intend to impugn the honor of those distinguished rabbis who ruled that it is permitted. However, our opinion is that there are many issurim (prohibitions) involved here, both for the voters and for the delegates.”
The kol koreh says that a key concern is the requirement for voters to sign a declaration affirming their acceptance of Zionist ideology, which does not recognize the Jewish people as bound by the Torah. Furthermore, voters must express support for participation in the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) and the national service program (Sherut Leumi) for both yeshiva students and Chareidi girls. The delegates elected in this process would become full participants in the activities of the WZO, including those that contradict Torah principles.
The Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah firmly asserts that it is forbidden to vote in these elections. The statement outlines four key prohibitions involved:

  1. Chillul Hashem: There is a massive desecration of Hashem’s Name in declaring acceptance of the heretical ideas of the WZO.
  2. Violation of Torah Leadership: It is forbidden to agree to matters that the Torah leadership of Klal Yisroel has explicitly forbidden.
  3. Joining a Group of Sinners: It is prohibited to join a group that undermines Torah values (hischabrus l’resha’im).
  4. Assisting in Sin: By participating, voters are indirectly aiding in the commission of aveiros (sins).

The statement concludes with a reaffirmation of the belief that Hashem has other means to ensure the preservation of Torah among the Jewish people, without resorting to actions that violate these serious prohibitions. The Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah expresses its confidence that through sanctifying Hashem’s Name and abstaining from associations that seek to uproot Judaism, the Jewish people will be blessed.
“We wish a pleasant life replete with the blessings promised to those who sanctify the Name of Hashem and abstain from joining with those who uproot Judaism,” the kol koreh concludes. “May Hashem grant that we merit speedily that the entire Jewish people return to their Father in Heaven and accept upon themselves the yoke of Torah. May all of us together become a kingdom of servants of Hashem and a holy people.”
The Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah signed this kol koreh on Thursday, the 20th of Adar, 5785.
The post Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah of America Issues Kol Koreh Against Voting in the WZO Elections first appeared on Matzav.com.