This song was dedicated Le’Ilui Nishmas Dovi Steinmetz Z”L who returned his holy Neshama in the Miron tragedy of 2021. For the Dovi Steinmetz Ani Maamin initiative The song can be viewed and listened with multiple options available below: Written & Composed by: Mrs. E. Rubinfeld Song Produced by: Side Yard Studios Vocal Recording by: Gershy Schwarcz @Edgware Studios Master: Aran Lavi Video created by TheSideyardStudio Director: Chesky Cherney Filming and editing: Gavi Starke Video Extras: Binyomin Levi Betzalel Meisels Menashe Pantierer Sholom Ephrati Chananya Reidler Mendel Rosenfeld Ari ganji Avrumy uhr Moishe Grama Beri Weber Management: 845-537-5743 Beri Weber Music Management: Gershy Schwarcz @EdgwareStudios 845-671-1775
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