Chaim V’Chessed continues to monitor and advise community members regarding issuance of entry permits to Israel. A troubling phenomena in recent days is an abundance of fraudulent entry permits. Apparently, people seeking to enter Israel are encountering seemingly legitimate individuals, who promise to ‘arrange’ permits for unsuspecting travelers, in return for a sizable fee. These “arrangers” promise that these permits are ‘real and legitimate’. Unfortunately, these permits are not legitimate whatsoever. They appear authentic, so airline officials overseas allow the passenger to board flights to Israel. However, upon arrival in Israel, the fraud is immediately uncovered. Passengers are prevented from entering Israel, and are deported to their port of origin. Furthermore, their passports are being stamped as banned from entering Israel for the next five years! YWN has confirmed with Rabbi Nechemia Malinowitz of the Igud of Yeshivas and Seminaries, that at least seven people have been deported back to the United States after arriving in Ben Gurion Airport on Monday with fraudulent permits. There have been at least 50 people deported in the past week. Meanwhile, authorities tell YWN that an investigation is underway to locate the source of the fraudulent permits, and plan on taking legal action against those involved in the printing of these fake permits, including facing criminal prosecution. Authorities add that they have reason to believe that there have been dozens of people swindled into buying these fake permits for entry on Lag Baomer, and every action is being taken to prevent this from occurring. Rabbi Paysach Freedman, CEO of Chaim V’Chessed states, “Askanim receive phone calls each day from people being deported from Israel. Unfortunately, when we learn that they hold fraudulent documents, it is impossible to help them.” Freedman continues, “Besides the obvious discomfort and anguish to travelers with illegitimate permits, these instances of fraud cause a terrible chilul Hashem.” Furthermore, the phenomena causes authorities to look askance at all legitimate permit-bearers, as well. Many of the obstacles which have been thrown in the way of foreign travelers to Israel is due to the preponderance of these fraudulent documents. Numerous categories of travelers are now able to receive permission to enter Israel. If you do not meet any of the qualifications detailed here, you are not eligible to enter Israel. If you are unsure if a permit you are offered is legitimate, it probably is not. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
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