A non-Jew who works for the Reb Shayale Hachnasas Orchim guest house in Krestiner, Hungary posted a video about the yeshuah he experienced after he davened by Reb Shayele’s kever. In the video obtained by B’Chadrei Chareidim, Christian, who is a non-Jew, relates in perfect Yiddish: “My wife was diagnosed with cancer two years ago and the doctors said she needed surgery.” “I went to work by HaRav Friedlander in the Hachnasas Orchim and I told him I won’t be coming to work the next day because I had to go with my wife to the hospital.” “He asked me what happened and I told him that my wife has cancer and needs surgery. He told me to go to the kever and pray. I told him: ‘But I’m not Jewish,’ but he told me that it doesn’t matter, Reb Shayele helps everyone.” “I went to the kever. I wrote a kvittel, I lit candles and I prayed and I asked for a full recovery for my wife.” “The next day, my wife went back to the hospital to be tested prior to the surgery. The doctor said: ‘I can’t understand what I’m seeing here. The tumor is shrinking.’ He delayed the surgery and we went home. We went back a while later and the cancer had disappeared.” Christian added: “Six months ago, we had a baby and I named him Natan as thanks to Hashem Who gave me a child. Baruch Hashem, he’s healthy, everyone’s healthy in the zechus of Reb Shayele ben Reb Moshe.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
The post MUST WATCH VIDEO: Non-Jew Prays At R’ Shayele’s Kever And His Wife Was Healed appeared first on The Yeshiva World.
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