Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu strongly condemned the release of Shifa Hospital director Mohammad Abu Salmiya from custody, calling it a “severe mistake and ethical failure.” Abu Salmiya was arrested in November for allegedly allowing Hamas to use the hospital as a center of operations. “This man, under whose responsibility our hostages were held and murdered, belongs in prison,” Netanyahu said. He has ordered an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the release, which he claims was made without the knowledge or approval of the political echelon or security agency heads. The investigation, to be led by Shin Bet director Ronen Bar, will present its findings to the Prime Minister on Tuesday. Netanyahu has also established an interagency body to review and approve the release of prisoners whose interrogation has been completed, comprising representatives from the Defense Ministry, IDF, Shin Bet, and National Security Council. Abu Salmiya was released Monday morning along with 55 other Palestinian detainees, sparking a blame game among ministers and senior security officials, each denying responsibility for the controversial move. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)