translated by Rabbi Yair Hoffman for Five Towns Jewish Times To the Teachers of Torah, Roshei Yeshiva of our Holy Yeshivos, and Mashgichim Shlita, 2 Iyar, 5780 To our honorable friends, Geonim. Teachers of Torah, Roshei Yeshiva of our Holy Yeshivos, and Mashgichim Shlita, With the opening of the summer zman (YH: post-Pesach), with the help of Heaven, it is our obligation to assist our students may their lamps burn brightly with all our capabilities through shiurim, through discussions of vaadim as is the practice in each and every Yeshiva, through the telephone. However, in order so that they can learn and overcome all the obstacles, it is a matter of necessity to arrange for personal communication between the Rabbonim shlita and their students – as this will bring to growth in Torah and Yiras Shamayim – fear of Heaven. Therefore, we saw that it is appropriate to request that every Yeshiva arrange that one of the Rabbis of the Yeshiva, that is the Roshei Yeshiva, the Mashgichim, the RaMim, and similarly through the Shoe’el uMaishivim (YH: those that are present in seder to discuss learning), that they engage in [phone] conversation with each and every student once a week or more as needed. They should see to it that each student is set up with telephone chevrusos or with someone in the house – as well as that the other needs of the Talmidim are met, may their lamps burn brightly. May it be His Will that we merit to immerse ourselves in Torah like the past. Signed, Chaim Kanievsky Gershon Edelstein ** Second Letter** A Special Message to the House of Yaakov – these are the women, who raise their children throughout the year toward [a life of] Torah and Mitzvos. In light of the situation, there is a special task upon them to further assist in the study of Torah. If we can request that they try to dedicate one room in the home that the young men can study during the hours of seder. According to the level of difficulty, will be far greater reward accorded to the women in both the World to Come as well as in this world, and they will see much nachas from all their descendants, Amain, so may it be His Will. And in the merit of righteous women our fathers were redeemed and in their merit we will be redeemed in the future Chaim Kanievsky Gershon Edelstein to reach the translator email (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
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