Sen. Bernie Sanders is having trouble wriggling himself out of a corner after selling tickets to an touting his new book – which decries capitalism – for a whopping $95. Sanders was confronted about it by CBS’ Margaret Brennan, who asked about the high price for the event, which highlighted his book, named, most ironically, “It’s Okay to Be Angry About Capitalism.” “Tickets for your tour apparently are selling for $95 on Ticketmaster, which is accused of anti-competitive behavior. You know that, some of your [fellow] Democrats are criticizing them. Aren’t you benefiting from the same system you’re trying to dismantle?” Brennan asked. Sanders defended himself by saying that he doesn’t make money from it. “Those decisions are made totally by the publisher and the bookseller,” Sanders said. “I think there’s one case where in one place here in Washington, Politics and Prose, an independent bookstore charging some tickets. Most of them, I think are 40 dollars, 50 dollars, and you get a book as well. So if you want to come, you’re going to have to pay 40 bucks, I’ll throw in the book for free. And we’re doing a number of free events. But I don’t make a nickel out of these things.” “But you’re okay doing business with Ticketmaster?” Brennan said. “No, not particularly,” Sanders replied. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
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