ONLY One Box Of Matzoh!! Adopt a TSFAT Family!! $39!! Adopt a Tsfat family for Yom Tov!. DONATE NOW One Box Of Matzoh For $39 CLICK HERE!! · Can you imagine what it’s like to come home Pesach night to your Seder table—and there’s hardly anything there?? · Can you imagine being so poor before Pesach that you don’t know how you’ll get matzos and wine?? CLICK HERE!! · Can you picture the face of a yungerman being asked—again—by his devoted wife and beautiful children: “Tatty, when are we going shopping for Pesach?” What can he say?? CLICK HERE!! ONLY One Box Of Matzoh!! Adopt a TSFAT Family!! $39!! Adopt a Tsfat family for Yom Tov!. DONATE NOW One Box Of Matzoh For $39 CLICK HERE!! · Can you imagine what it’s like to come home Pesach night to your Seder table—and there’s hardly anything there?? · Can you imagine being so poor before Pesach that you don’t know how you’ll get matzos and wine?? CLICK HERE!! · Can you picture the face of a yungerman being asked—again—by his devoted wife and beautiful children: “Tatty, when are we going shopping for Pesach?” What can he say?? CLICK HERE!! ONLY One Box Of Matzoh!! Adopt a TSFAT Family!! $39!! Adopt a Tsfat family for Yom Tov!. DONATE NOW One Box Of Matzoh For $39 CLICK HERE!! · Can you imagine what it’s like to come home Pesach night to your Seder table—and there’s hardly anything there?? · Can you imagine being so poor before Pesach that you don’t know how you’ll get matzos and wine?? CLICK HERE!! · Can you picture the face of a yungerman being asked—again—by his devoted wife and beautiful children: “Tatty, when are we going shopping for Pesach?” What can he say?? CLICK HERE!!
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