The IDF, Shin Bet, and the Border Police on Tuesday announced that forces have launched Operation Iron Wall, a special operation to fight terrorism in Jenin in the northern Shomron. The announcement comes two weeks after terrorists linked to Jenin’s Islamic Jihad terror group carried out a deadly terror attack near Kedumim, murdering three Israelis. IDF forces entered Jenin, a hotbed of terror, shortly after Palestinian Authority security forces left the area after it carried out its own counterterrorism operation against terror groups in the area. The IDF began the operation by launching drone strikes, eliminating two terrorists. At the same time, ground forces and special units began to enter the refugee camp. “The operation has clear objectives: continue to maintain the IDF’s freedom of operation in all of Yehuda and Shomron and to destroy and neutralize terrorist infrastructure and ‘ticking time bombs,'” the IDF stated. According to the statement, a large force of IDF soldiers, including special forces, Shin Bet operatives, and Border Police officers will operate in Jenin in the coming days. The operation will continue for as long as necessary. Only minutes before the announcement about the operation, Defense Minister Yisrael Katz said during a meeting of the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee: “The threat to Jews and yishuvim in Yehuda and Shomron and along the seam line is worsening. Our enemies recognize that this is the last remaining arena – the only place where there are clashes, gunfire, and terror against the State of Israel. The Iranian axis continues to act to create terror through funding, directing, and arming [terror groups in the Shomron]. I have instructed the IDF to operate forcefully to protect all the yishuvim and residents.” The operation takes place against the backdrop of the ceasefire/hostage deal and the release of hundreds of terrorists (dozens have already been released and over a thousand more are expected to be released during Phase A of the deal) to Yehuda and Shomron and east Jerusalem. At the same time, security officials have identified recent attempts by Iran and Hamas to escalate the security situation in Yehuda and Shomron by smuggling weapons to the area via the Jordanian border. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
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