Family and friends are in profound shock and sadness by the sudden petirah of R’ Mordy Weiner z”l, Mordechai Ziskind ben Meir Elchonon. The family just marked his 57th birthday this week, as he lay in the hospital with the dreaded coronavirus disease. Mordy was greatly beloved and cherished by family, friends, and all who were zoche to know him. He leaves behind his beloved daughters Hennie and Tova, his beloved mother Devorah, sisters Esther, Naomi, and Fraidel, as well as his cherished grandchildren. He was always the life of the party, putting a smile on the faces of young and old alike. He had a giant heart, and extended it to the care of the elderly and sick, who truly adored him. He drove countless sick to hospitals for treatments, and selflessly took care of their families. Mordy was a true mokir rabonon, cherishing the opportunity to drive Rav Shmuel Kamenetzky, the Novominsker Rebbe, other gedolim and leading askonim who trusted him inherently and respected him as well. Yehi zichro boruch (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
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