It is with great sadness that reports the petirah of R’ Naftali Tessler z”l of Chicago. He was 98.
R’ Naftali was a noted baal tzedakah, baal chessed and mokir rabbonon who built and established the central building of Yeshivas Vizhnitz Beis Yisrael and Damesek Eliezer in Kiryas Vizhnitz-Bnei Brak.
R’ Naftali had generations-long connections to the Vizhnitzer dynasty. In his youth, he had the privilege of seeing the Saba Kadisha, the Ahavas Yisroel of Vizhnitz. He was a talmid of the revered Vishiver Rebbe.
R’ Naftali stood at the side of the Yeshuos Moshe of Vizhnitz in building the Vizhnitzer yeshivos Beis Yisrael and Damesek Eliezer, as mentioned.
His petirah took place during the shivah of his brother, R’ Menachem Dov Tessler of Flatbush, who passed away a few days ago.
The levayah was slated to be held today at Yeshivas Vizhnitz Beis Yisrael and Damesek Eliezer, followed by kevurah at the Vizhnitzer Bais Hachaim in Bnei Brak adjacent to his late brother.
Yehi zichro boruch.

{ Israel}