It is with great sadness that reports the petirah of Rabbi Moshe Shmuel Blaustein z”l (Moshe Shmuel ben Yitzchak Mayer), who was niftar late last night.
Rabbi Blaustein was a beloved third-grade rebbi at Eitz Chaim in Toronto and the longtime, beloved director of Camp Agudah Toronto, where he left an indelible mark on countless talmidim and campers.
Rabbi Blaustein was a legendary storyteller, cherished for his role as the voice of Shloompy Shapiro from the Marvelous Middos Machine and Borosov on Abie Rotenberg and Rabbi Shmuel Klein’s The Golden Crown.
The levayah is being held now at Agudath Israel Congregation, located at 129 McGillivray Avenue in Toronto, followed by kevurah at Bathurst Lawn Memorial Park, in the Agudath Israel section.
Rabbi Blaustein will be deeply missed by his family, students, campers, and all who were touched by his warmth, humor, and dedication to chinuch.
Yehi zichro boruch.