It is with great sadness that reports the petirah of Rabbi Nesanel Hakohen Kasnett zt”l, longtime resident of Boro Park and a distinguished editor at ArtScroll/Mesorah. He was 78.
Rabbi Kasnett embraced Torah in his youth, becoming a baal teshuvah, and developed a deep love for limud haTorah, becoming a brilliant talmid chochom. Though he was a licensed attorney, he chose to dedicate his life to Torah and related projects.
As a young man, he studied at Yeshiva Beis Hatalmud in Eretz Yisroel and later at Yeshivas Novardok in Boro Park.
Rabbi Kasnett had a great fondness for the Malbim and authored an English commentary on the Malbim in addition to his extensive work with ArtScroll/Mesorah. He worked on various volumes of the Schottenstein Talmud.
His love for Torah was matched by his exceptional middos and sterling character.
The Kasnetts lived for decades above his in-laws, the Melmeds. Observers often noted the harmony and care that characterized their relationship.
Rabbi Kasnett had been in poor health in recent years and passed away on Monday.
The levayah was held at Shomrei Hadas Chapels in Boro Park.
Yehi zichro boruch.
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