One cruel moment was all it took to turn Mendel Bluming’s vibrant life into a desperate struggle.
On Yud Beis Tammuz, Mendel Bluming, 15, son of 770 mashgiach Rabbi Gedaliah and Nechama Dina Bluming, was walking safely on a street near Suffield Yeshiva. Despite following all precautions, including wearing a reflective vest, tragedy struck.
A speeding driver struck Mendel head-on, catapulting him into the air. The impact caused severe brain trauma, other critical injuries and shattered his legs.
Emergency responders fought desperately to keep him alive. Against all odds, Mendel clung to life, and his vitals stabilized. But Mendel remained unconscious, his severe injuries requiring more than the care available at the local hospital.
After an intense legal battle, askonim successfully transferred Mendel to a New York hospital. He now continues to hang to life by a thread, with his parents, family and doctors putting their lives on hold, concentrating all their efforts on helping him survive and recover.
Compounding the medical battle is the overwhelming financial burden. Medical costs have far exceeded insurance coverage, and expenses continue to mount rapidly. Appointments with specialists, consultations with neurosurgeons, therapies, and treatments each costs thousands of dollars per visit.
Mendel’s family is struggling under the enormous financial burden of his ongoing medical care. They urgently need support to give this young man a chance at reclaiming his promising future.
Yidden, rachamanim b’nei rachamanim! We call upon your compassionate hearts to help us save a life that has just barely begun. Mendel’s future hangs in the balance. Your generous contributions will directly fund the life-saving care he so desperately needs.
Together, we can give Mendel the fighting chance he deserves.
Open your hearts and donate today – for Mendel, for his family, and for the precious gift of life.