The senior member of the Moetzet Chachmei Hatorah of Shas, Rav Moshe Maya, addressed the Supreme Court ruling on conscription of bnei hayeshivos.
“Even someone who is not studying in a yeshiva is forbidden from enlisting in the IDF,” Rav Maya said in an interview with Yaakov Grodka on Kol Barama. “Anyone who joins the army today will end up desecrating the Shabbos.”
Rav Maya added, “Enlisting in the army is a transgression against the religion. We have a clear halacha that tells us that a yeshiva student is forbidden from joining the army. If they come into the yeshiva halls to conscript us, we will resist. It’s like forcing us to desecrate the Shabbos.”
Rav Maya addressed the attacks from the religious Zionist sector, saying: “Those with kippot who attack Torah students are making a grave mistake, because without the Torah students, there would be many more casualties in the war. Our role in the war is to study and study. Only then will Hakadosh Boruch Hu cast fear upon our enemies.”
The Supreme Court unanimously ruled this week that there is no legal framework that allows for distinguishing between yeshiva students and other individuals eligible for military service. “Accordingly,” the judges ruled, “the state does not have the authority to issue a blanket exemption from conscription and must act according to the provisions of the Security Service Law.”
It was also determined that in the absence of a legal framework for conscription exemptions, it is not possible to continue transferring support funds to yeshivas and kollelim for students who have not received an exemption or whose military service has not been deferred.
{ Israel}