Families of those abducted by Hamas had an emotional visit to the residence of Rav Meir Tzvi Bergman, Rosh Yeshivas Rashbi, organized by Rav Dovid Druck of the “Kissufim” organization.
At the beginning of the meeting, the representatives of the families introduced themselves to Rav Bergman.
The rosh yeshiva sighed with great pain as he heard the families’ stories and said to them, “What can I say to you, and how can I strengthen you?”
“A hundred years ago, there was the ‘Beilis Trial.’ During the trial, a charge was brought against Beilis because, in Chazal, it is written about the Jews, ‘You are called man, and the nations of the world are not called man.’ So, if that’s the case, they claimed, it’s understood that Beilis killed the Christian child because, according to our system, Christians are not considered ‘man.'”
“And they replied that at that moment, during the trial, Jews all over the world were standing in shuls davening for Mendel Beilis! Not a single Jew in the entire world was indifferent to this… ‘While among you non-Jews, if someone stands trial, besides his close family, no one cares. No one is interested.
“And that’s the meaning that with Klal Yisroel, we are called ‘man.’ With Klal Yisroel, it is one man, one body.”
Rav Bergman continued, wiping away tears, “No one can empathize with you, with the suffering, with the agony of the soul, but I can tell you that all of Klal Yisroel is called adam, ‘man,’ and for everyone, it hurts.”
Afterwards, Rav Bergman asked the families to give him their names as he wrote them down on a sheet. He said to them, “I daven for them, for all of the abducted, every day.”
Not a dry eye remained when Rav Bergman, together with the families, recited the tefillah of “Acheinu kol bais Yisroel.”
When asked how the families could strengthen themselves, Rav Bergman replied, “I say to everyone, strengthen yourselves with ‘Birkas Hamazon’ from a bentcher and with kavanah. It is a very significant thing.”
Rav Bergman added to them to strengthen themselves with chesed. He mentioned in the name of his father-in-law, Maran Rav Shach, who said that in a time of war, the measure of cruelty increases in the world, and in this war, cruelty is incomprehensible, “cruelty within cruelty.” And he encouraged them to increase in kindness to arouse the attribute of rachamim.
{Matzav.com Israel}
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