It is with great sadness that that reports the petirah of Rav Nachman Plonczak zt”l, a rosh yeshiva at the Slabodka Yeshiva in Bnei Brak. He was 91.
Rav Nachman passed away suddenly in the middle of Shacharis on Shabbos morning at his home on Rechov Chazon Ish Street in Bnei Brak.
Rav Nachman was a son of Rav Moshe Tzvi and Pearl Plonczak and son-in-law of the mashgiach, Rav Moshe Akiva Tukatchinsky zt”l. He was born in Poland on the 24th of Tammuz in 1933.
In his youth, Rav Nachman learned at the Ponovezh and Chevron yeshivos, where he was beloved by his rabbonim and known for his hasmadah.
He later married his wife, Rebbetzin Dina Plonczak, daughter of the mashgiach, Rav Moshe Akiva Tukatchinsky zt”l. Together, they built their home upon the foundations of Torah and avodah of their forbears.
Rav Nachman was appointed as one of the senior rabbanim and rabbeim at the Slabodka Yeshiva, where he influenced many talmidim through his shiurim. He was particularly known for his special shiurim to the American bochurim at Slabodka.
Rav Nachman life was marked by his humility, chesed, and dedication to Torah. He spent countless years helping with fundraising for the yeshiva, supporting its growth and hatzlacha. His deep connection with the roshei yeshiva was evident, and he continued to mentor and guide thousands of talmidim throughout his many years.
A talmid of Rav Nachman shared, “Rav Nachman was the epitome of nobility, and he carried the legacy of Slabodka forward with dignity. As a son-in-law of Rav Moshe Akiva Tukatchinsky, he continued the sacred mesorah passed down from Rav Eizik Sher, delivering shiurim and shmuessen in the purest form, as it was transmitted from earlier doros.”
Rav Nachman leaves behind a wonderful family following in his ways. Among his children are Rav Tzvi Plonczak, a Rosh Yeshiva at Yeshiva Ohr Elchanan, Rav Yitzchok Eizik, one of the heads of Yeshivas Grodno in Bnei Brak, Rav Yosef Plonczak, mashgiach at Yeshiva Rina Shel Torah in Karmiel, and Rav Chizkiyahu Plonczak.
The levayah was held earlier tonight from the Slabodka Yeshiva in Bnei Brak, followed by kevurah at the Ponevezh Bais Hachaim, where he was buried alongside his wife.
Yehi zichro boruch.
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