Rav Avigdor Nebenzahl, senior posek and rov of the Old City of Yerushalayim, quoted the opinion of his rebbi, Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach zt”l, regarding the Purim seudah this year in Yerushalayim.
Rav Auerbach ruled that it is not mandatory to have the Purim seudah on Shabbos, although it is customary to add one additional dish to the seudah.
It is also advisable, he said, to increase wine consumption, but one should be careful not to become intoxicated.
Why avoid drunkenness? Because “there is a requirement to ‘remember the Shabbos day’ — and the sanctity of Shabbos must take precedence,” he said.
Rav Nebenzahl further advises yerushalmim to send Mishloach Manos on both Sunday, as required, and also on Friday, in line with the opinion of the Chazon Ish.
In a recent discussion with his son-in-law, Rav Yonasan Katzburg of the Givat Shaul neighborhood, Rav Nebenzahl discussed the unique halachos of Purim Meshulash. These rulings were published in the latest edition of LeReiach Nichoach, which was released this week.
Rav Nebenzahl suggests that those having melava malka should have intention to fulfill the Purim seudah as well, in order to follow the approach of the Meshech Chochmah. He also noted that this year, those living in the walled cities can fulfill their obligation on Friday, just as those in unwalled cities can do so on Sunday.
Regarding reading the Megillah on Friday for those in walled cities, Rav Nebenzahl pointed out that it is traditionally accepted that at least ten people are needed to recite the bracha, but Rav Shlomo Zalman ruled that it is acceptable to read the Megillah privately without a minyan and still recite the bracha.
Lastly, regarding the custom of sending Mishloach Manos on Friday for Yerushalmim, Rav Nebenzahl reiterated the opinion of the Chazon Ish that it is appropriate to send on both days, Friday and Sunday, and it is best to be stringent and follow his ruling, even though the Mishnah Berurah suggests sending them on Sunday.
{Matzav.com Israel}The post Rav Nebenzahl: Don’t Get Drunk On Shabbos of Purim Meshulash first appeared on Matzav.com.