The month of Sivan is more than half over, and one of the biggest fundraising campaigns in Israel has fallen severely short of its goal.
The Kupat Ha’Ir orphan wedding campaign has gained the public support of Israel’s biggest rabbanim in recent years, including but not limited to Rav Chaim Kanievsky, Rav Dovid Cohen, Rav Twersky, and the Rachmastrivke Rebbe. Each month, one Rav takes personal responsibility for the campaign, and gives a specific blessing to donors who contribute.
Donations go toward a group of registered young men & women who have lost their parents, and are struggling financially to get married this month. Many of the couples have already married since Rosh Chodesh, and are missing essential basic household items. Engagement and early marriage, times meant to be joyful, are overcast by a shadow of grief and poverty.
This month’s blessing for donors is from Rav Shimon Galai, who blesses those who can help with children who follow in the path of Torah, and give nachas. This is an especially relevant blessing from many parents who are faced with the unique challenges of raising children in today’s society.
Despite the relevance of the bracha and the stature of the campaign’s contributors, this month’s campaign has only raised $5,000. Their financial goal is to give each of the 36 orphans a wedding gift of $1,000, a modest yet significant sum which would allow them to purchase essentials associated with the wedding process.
The young brides and grooms will walk to their chuppahs this month without parents by their side. Whether they will do so with a feeling of support from their global community, or in a state of worry and embarrassment, lies in the hands of strangers around the world.
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