It is with great sadness that reports the petirah of Rav Yisroel Meir Trachtman zt”l. Rav Yisroel Meir was born in Chicago during the shivah of the Chofetz Chaim approximately ninety years ago and was thus named Yisroel Meir after him.
His father, Rabbi Binyomin Trachtman, was a rov in Chicago.
At the age of twenty, he traveled to the Holy Land and learned in the yeshivas of Be’er Yaakov and Ponovezh. During that period, he had the privilege to learn with the Chazon Ish. His grandchildren testify that when he’d learn with them, he’d say, “The Chazon Ish discussed this sugya with me.” In the service of the Chazon Ish, he risked his life crossing borders to save neshamos.
After his marriage, he established a yeshiva in Chicago. The yeshiva stood out for bringing people closer to Yiddishkeit.
About thirty-five years ago, he made aliyah to Eretz Yisroel and settled in the city of Tzefas.
He leaves behind an entire library of writings. During his lifetime, he did not allow anyone to touch them, and now, after his passing, it was discovered that they are writings of Kabbalah and other topics.
Rav Yisroel Meir leaves behind four sons, Reb Yosef, Reb Moshe, Reb Avraham, and Reb Michoel, and three daughters, all married to noted marbitzei Torah.
Yehi zichro boruch.
{ Israel}
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