It is with great sadness that reports the passing of Reb Shimon Edelstein z”l at the age of 52. A lifelong resident of Flatbush, Reb Shimmy was a beloved figure in the Torah community, known for his exceptional Torah scholarship and commitment to limud haTorah.
He was the son of Rabbi and Mrs. Mordechai Yitzchok Edelstein, whose dedication to Torah and avodas Hashem shaped his character.
A talmid of Yeshiva Torah Temimah in Brooklyn, Reb Shimmy had the privilege of learning under some of the esteemed rabbeim, including Rav Shlomo Feivel Schustal with whom he had a special kesher.
Reb Shimmy was a beloved mispallel at Khal Kol Torah, under the leadership of Rav Lipa Geldwerth.
Although Reb Shimmy worked as an attorney, his true passion and life’s occupation were rooted in limud and harbotzas haTorah. His knowledge of Shas and poskim was oustanding, and he was a tremendous talmid chochom who was respected by all who had the privilege of learning from him and with him.
Reb Shimmy is survived by his mother, his siblings, his wife, and children, along with his extended family and many friends who will miss him dearly.
The levayah will take place today at 11:30 a.m. at Shomrei Hadas Chapels, located at 3803 14th Ave, Brooklyn, NY.
Yehi zichro boruch.
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