Today, 2 Tammuz, marks the 57th yahrtzeit of R’ Elimelech Gavriel “Mike” Tress z’l, president of Agudas Yisroel for decades. Excerpt from an article written by Dr. Gershon Kranzler in memory of Mike Tress in the pages of the Jewish Observer in 1967: “On Sunday, the first day of Rosh Chodesh Tammuz, Elimelech Gavriel Tress, z’l, Administrative President of Agudath Israel of America, was called to the Yeshiva Shel Ma’aloh. His short life spanned a period in American Jewish life which went from utter despair that Torah would ever take root in the alien soil of this continent, to the development and growth of scores of Torah institutions, built and surrounded by a growing community of committed Orthodox Jews. But his life and work not only spanned this period-Elimelech Gavriel Tress was in a large measure responsible for raising American Orthodoxy from the darkness of despair to the spiritual prosperity it now enjoys. Elimelech Gavriel Tress, functioning on the highest levels of Torah leadership, was the personification of authentic humility, not the least bit compromised by the great dignity of his bearing. He was known to many as ‘Mike,’ an unusual familiarity for a man of his stature; yet it did not in the least compromise the deep respect and even reverence felt by all who knew him. The story of his life, which must one day be written, is the story of a revitalized American Orthodoxy-which must also one day be written*. The debt which Orthodoxy owes to ‘Mike’ Tress is being repaid by the untold numbers of American men and women who are today Torah Jews because of his efforts. But American Orthodoxy owes it to Elimelech Gavriel Tress that his life and works be made known-not for his sake alone, but for the glory of Torah.” *The story was indeed written by Yonason Rosenblum in a book titled “They Called Him Mike”. At the 92nd Convention of Agudath Israel a special historical video presentation was shown, documenting the myriad hatzolah and communal efforts that the quintessential Agudath Israel of America activist, Reb Elimelech (Mike) Tress, z”l, accomplished, which serves as the perfect inspiration for present day and future askanim.