Approximately 2,000 bochurim took part in a heartwarming bein hazemanim kumzitz event last night at Lake Terrace Hall in Lakewood, NJ.
Admission was free for this event, which was the brainchild of Yosef Travis, who sought to present a musical evening for bochurim during their Pesach break.
For several hours yesterday, crews of workers and volunteers set up a full stage, with comprehensive lighting and a high-class sound system, while some 2,000 chairs were placed across the cavernous hall.
The program featured singers Beri Weber and Uri Davidi, child soloist Moshe Holtzman, and the Zemiros Choir, with music by Yossi Shtendig Productions and a six piece band.
The musical program began after 8 p.m., with opening words by Yosef Travis, who introduced Beri Weber.
The first portion of the program featured a brief intercession at about 8:45 p.m., at which divrei chizuk and hisorerus to the packed crowd were delivered by a special guest from Eretz Yisroel, Rav Shalom Ber Sorotzkin, rosh yeshiva of Yeshiva Ateres Shlomo.
Following those remarks, the singing continued, with Beri Weber leading the olam in song after song. The large audience was engaged throughout the evening, singing along with great hergesh and ruach. The songs that were selected were hartzig, filling the room with Yiddishe neginah.
Beri didn’t seem to tire, singing hour after hour, buoyed by the spirit and energy of the bochurim. After 10:30 p.m., Beri concluded, introducing Uri Davidi, who sang some of his own songs and some other melodies. As he was preparing to finish, the crowd asked for more, and JJ Greenwald indicated that there was time for two more songs.
Shortly before 11:30 p.m., the musical program came to a close, bringing an end to a beautiful evening of uplifting music and singing. The bochurim who hadn’t davened Maariv earlier with minyanim that had formed throughout the night in the hall’s kabbolas ponim room then gathered for Maariv in the lobby area.
The following is a montage of video clips from throughout the night:
