If you are looking for an “out of town” community where מדות and לימוד התורה are the focal point, then Rochester may be the place for you. We are a warm, caring community located in a safe, beautiful neighborhood where you can purchase a 3 bedroom home for under $200,000 and a 4 bedroom for under $250,000. In Rochester you are not just another face in the crowd and you can truly be part of building a growing community. Additionally, Rochester is only a 3 hour drive from Toronto and 4 hours from Monsey, making it easy to visit family and friends. Baruch Hashem 30 new families have made Rochester home since the spring of 2015. See what some of them have to say about their new lives here on our Testimonials page. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT ROCHESTER, NY Whatever your stage in life, Rochester has something to offer. There are schools and Yeshivos to guide a person from preschool through Kollel, as well as many learning programs for adult men and women. Children receive personalized education from dedicated Morahs and Rabbeim who strive to help each student reach his or her potential through a variety of learning styles. Several Shuls and various Davening options for both weekdays and Shabbos, along with daily Shiurim round out the deal. Despite our size, Rochester is definitely a true Makom Torah. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT ROCHESTER, NY The quality of life in Rochester is further enhanced by the low cost of living- 45% lower than in NYC! (source: www.salary.com) Practically, that means that if you are earning $80,000 a year now, you will need to earn less than $44,000 in Rochester to maintain the same standard of living! Career opportunities are available in a variety of fields, and we are happy to aid in job searches using our local connections and relationships with staffing agencies. Due to the ease of highway travel here (where “rush hour” is defined as having to drive at the speed limit), commuting to jobs in nearby cities is a breeze. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT ROCHESTER, NY If all that isn’t enough to pique your interest, here is one more incentive for considering Rochester. Derech HaTorah of Rochester, our Yeshiva elementary school, is currently offering a fantastic tuition break for new students. New families pay a rate of only $1,000 per child for their children’s tuition for their first two years in Rochester. That gives you two years without a major financial burden to help you settle in Rochester. So, if you are looking to relocate your family to a community where you can make a difference, where your children will have wonderful, wholesome friends, and where Torah hashkafos guide your way of life, don’t waste another day. We are waiting to welcome you! See our website www.TorahRochester.com for more details or contact us at torahrochester@gmail.com or call or text 585-340-7143 to learn more or to schedule a visit!
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