The head of the Shin Bet security agency, Ronen Bar, has personally assumed responsibility for the absence of early warning regarding Hamas’s deadly assault on southern Israel on October 7. In a message addressed to agency members, Bar states, “Despite the series of actions we undertook, regrettably, we could not generate sufficient advance warning to prevent the attack.” “As the leader of the organization, I bear this responsibility,” Bar asserts. He acknowledges that there will be opportunities for investigations later, but emphasizes that the current focus is on the ongoing fight. Prior to the October 7 attack, the defense establishment had noted unusual activity in the Gaza Strip, leading to late-night discussions among senior officials. However, these signs were largely dismissed. Nonetheless, reports from Hebrew-language media indicate that Bar personally ordered a small team to be deployed to the Gaza border, anticipating a potential limited-scale attack. Tragically, during the October 7 attacks, at least 10 Shin Bet members lost their lives, as reported by the agency. Bar underscores the gravity of the situation, stating, “We are in a war, not merely a round of fighting. A round ends with a victory image and silence; a war concludes with a resolute victory and a change in circumstances. There are no geographical or temporal boundaries. We persist until the very end.” (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)