It’s not often that a family’s story moves three of the biggest rabbis in Israel to speak out publicly, and even volunteer their time, on their behalf. In the case of the “Lessin” family of Jerusalem, however, it didn’t take long for the tragedy to sink in: They already knew it.
The Lessins are of the most respected rabbinical families in Jerusalem, dating back centuries. Their personal connection to the world’s Torah giants, however, has not spared them from sorrow: Mrs. Lessin began experiencing pain shortly after the birth of her 6th child last year. Shortly afterward she was diagnosed with a life-threatening illness.
She now suffers from pain so extreme she cannot even walk, function, or hold her baby. To the family’s horror, they were told that doctors in Israel cannot help. The young mother’s only chance at survival is to fly to America to undergo treatments and surgery with a specialist. Between babysitters, flights, medications, living arrangements, the surgery itself, and the recovery period, this is financially impossible.
Rabbi Lessin, however, is praying that the “impossible” will happen. As someone who has witnessed the greatness of the Jewish People up close, he knows that such “miracles” have been achieved, and such lives saved, before.
A fund has been opened to collect money to save Mrs. Lessin’s life, and give her children their mother back. Every minute counts, and the family watches on with bated breath.
The page includes a lengthy letter from the Rachmastrivka Rebbe, Rav Dovid Twerski, and Rav Chaim Kanievsky [click here to read].
*Name changed to protect the family’s privacy.
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