As Elul is just around the corner, Shuls around Israel are now planning for the Yomim Noraim under COVID-19 restrictions. While the number of people allowed to attend shul was raised yesterday to 20 in an indoor space and 30 in an outdoor space, the totals are woefully low of what general occupancy is during a regular year. Tefillos are long and often crowded as many people who do not regularly attend minyanim come out in droves during the Yomim Noraim. In addition, no one is quite sure what the restrictions will be for the Yomim Tovim themselves. In all likelihood, Israel may issue another lockdown similarly to what was done over Pesach and Shavuos. As the government attempts to avoid a complete lockdown, in order to give the economy some time to rebound, the number of sick Corona patients continues to rise at an alarming rate. Thus the government may implement a lockdown in order to avoid a spike caused by lack of social distancing over the holidays. Many shuls are using every room available, even hallways, porches, and entryways to set up minyanim in order to accommodate as many people as possible for communal prayers in the shul. “Mirpeset (porch) Minyanim” have also returned as many people who cannot attend shul due to the strictly regulated number of attendee, wish to continue to pray with a minyan any way that they can. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
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