A Chabad House in Long Beach, NY, was vandalized and some Sifrei Torah stolen. According to a report by CHI, The Rov of the Shul – which was recently taken over by the Chabad House – went on Motzei Shabbos to make things were secure after Shabbos, and was shocked at the sight he was met with. “I found our beautifully renovated sanctuary vandalized, talleisim strewn on the floor, the holy ark broken off the hinges and a number of holy Torah’s stolen with two lying on the ground,” the congregant told CrownHeights.info. “Most of the sliver crowns were missing as well.” The Nassau County Police are investigating the incident. RABBI ELI GOODMAN, THE ROV OF THE SHUL, TELLS YWN THE FOLLOWING: This Shabbos we had a soft opening at our new location at 570 West Walnut where we celebrated a most beautiful Shabbos and Bat Mitzvah of a local family. I went to the Shul around 11.30 pm last night to ensure everything is secure and everything is put away. I found our beautifully renovated sanctuary vandalized, talleisim strewn on the floor, the holy ark broken off the hinges and a number of Torah’s stolen with 2 lying on the ground. Most of the sliver crowns were missing as well. 911 was called immediately and detectives together with Crimes scene unit from Nassau County are investigating. All local Shuls should take extra care in ensuring the security of their facility. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
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