B’H, a Teshuvah revolution is sweeping across Eretz Yisroel. Just four weeks ago, Knesset members told a group of Shuvu askonim that though there are anti-religious sentiments in the government, in fact, there continues to be a growing affinity for Torah and Yiddishkeit in the general Israeli population. A phenomenon that has been growing since the October 7th war. 
Shuvu schools are seeing this as over 1,000 new children joined a Shuvu school this year! With 6,000 students – and growing B’H – Shuvu is welcoming the Teshuva movement with open arms. But Shuvu needs YOUR help to support the schools for these children! https://www.rayze.it/shuvudinner
Please join Rav Shimon Galai, Rav Reuven Feinstein, and Rav Elya Brudny as Shuvu looks to raise much needed funds during Shuvu’s annual dinner on March 23, at Bell Works Be”H. Attending the dinner in person would be a huge Chizuk to the 33-year-old organization started by Rav Pam zt”l. But every donation helps Shuvu – and Klal Yisroel! https://www.rayze.it/shuvudinner

The post Some Great News from Eretz Yisroel! first appeared on Matzav.com.