Maran Sar HaTorah Rabbeinu HGR’ Chaim Kanievsky zt”l used to say that whoever wants to merit a good year should donate 355, the gematria of‘שנה’ , to Kupat Ha’ir- the largest tzedakah organization in the world* Thirteen Gedolei HaDor, continuing the legacy of Maran zt”l, determined together  that the power of this segulah continues even after Maran’s passing, as tzaddikim are greater after their passing than in their lifetimes* Details to follow   A special segulah espoused by Maran Sar HaTorah HGR’ Chaim Kanievsky zt”l in the last years of his life was the focus of the recent assembly of thirteen Gedolei HaDor who continue Maran’s legacy. The question presented to them was if Maran’s segulah retained its potency even after his passing or if it was only effective during his lifetime, when he gave directives regarding it every year anew. After they deliberated on the topic, checking Maran’s statements and letters regarding it from previous years, the thirteen Gedolei HaDor unanimously decided that the segulah retains its validity and effectiveness, since tzaddikim are greater after their passing than during their lifetimes, and therefore the power of Maran zt”l now is even greater; undoubtedly he is still intervening on our behalf Above as he did while he was here in this world, davening for whoever gives $355 to Kupat Ha’ir to merit a good and sweet year. In addition to the segulah itself, those who donate to this campaign will merit to have the Gedolei HaDor daven for them, storming the gates of Heaven with tefillos that HaShem protect them from all tribulations and difficult circumstances this upcoming year and instead grant them Divine brachos of health, success (including financial success), and nachas from the children and in all matters. To submit names for the segulah of $355 for a ‘shana tova’ click here>>> Maranan the Gedolei and Tzaddikei HaDor wrote a special letter after coming to a decision on the matter: “The words of Rabbeinu  zt”l stand and are valid also in the upcoming year   , תשפ”ה and tzedakah every day to Kupat Ha’ir removes unfavorable decrees, and he [the donor] will be acquitted in judgment according to the decree of Maran zt”l– and bs”d we will act in accordance with the custom of Maran zy”a and at the seder of the simanim on the night of Rosh HaShana we will mention donors to Kupat Ha’ir during the seder, to include them, as Maran Rashkebeha”g  zy”a was accustomed to do, in the ‘Yehi Ratzon.'” Maran Posek HaDor HGR’ Moshe Sternbuch, Maran Rosh HaYeshiva HGR’ Baruch Dov Povarsky, Maran Amud HaHora’ah HGR’ Yitzchak Zilberstein, Maran HGR’ Shraga Shteinman, Maran HGR’ Shimon Gala’i, Maran HGR’ Moshe Shaul Klein, Maran HGR’ Shmuel Eliezer Stern, Maran HGR’ Mordechai Shmuel Edelstein, Maran HGR’ Massoud Ben Shimon, Maran HGR’ Binyamin Finkel, Maran HGR’ Yitzchak Kolodetsky, Maran HGR’ Elimelech Biderman and Maran HGR’ Yitzchak Shaul Kanievsky shlit”a have all signed the above statements. Besides their tefillah for the donors on Rosh HaShana and while eating the simanim on the night of Rosh HaShana, the Gedolei HaDor will also daven for Kupat Ha’ir donors during the Aseres Yemai Teshuva and on Yom Kippur. Some of them will even be traveling to holy sites like the Kosel HaMa’aravi and Kever Rochel, the tziyun of Rashb”i in Meron and […]