To Our Wonderful Ainiklach,
The two of us will miss being with you at the Seder this year. Being with you is the main joy of our Seder. We always love being with you.
We are asking each of you a favor: Please choose a question and answer about the Haggadah, or a Dvar Torah on the Haggadah and send it to us by regular mail or by e-mail. It could be a Dvar Torah from school or from a Haggadah at home. Or something from your parents.
Send it to us, and we will read it at the Seder, be’ezras Hashem. If you can, send one for each Seder. And send it to your other grandparents, as well.
After we read your devar Torah, we will pretend that you hid the Afikomen, and on Chol Hamoed, you can tell us what you would like for it.
We miss you all and daven that we should serve Hashem and do mitzvos even during this hard time.
This is a mitzvah you can do now.
We look forward to hugging you again!
Zaidy and Bubby
For those with a ZAIDY OR BUBBY having the seder alone, a beautiful idea:
Received from a reader:
“My mother-in-law will be alone. My daughter reached out to all of the cousins and asked for each cousin to pick a seder step. Each cousin will put together that part of the seder for my mother-in-law with photos, poems, thoughts or whatever it is that they would like to share that will make it meaningful. In the end, my MiL will have 15 envelopes (or more), labeled for the seder section that they correspond to, from all of her grandchildren. Each envelope will be labeled and she will open each as she gets to each section. I loved this idea and can think of many ways that it can be expanded to so many others.”
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