The Knesset’s Labor and Welfare Committee held a discussion on Monday on denying the National Insurance budgets to a child who is in prison for a terror offense. During the discussion, the members of the committee were amazed to hear that, absurdly, the Supreme Court overruled a similar law because the judges refused to deprive the budget of a child accused of terrorism and even serving in prison. Chairman of the committee, MK Israel Eichler, sardonically stated: “For now, the Knesset has the right to enact laws as it sees fit, as the messengers of the public. It is true that the Supreme Court later invalidates the laws of the Knesset members but in the meantime, it doesn’t prevent them from enacting laws. Indeed, it’s impossible to know how long it will be until the Supreme Court also denies the right to legislate.” He then commented on the Supreme Court’s hypocrisy: “I am amazed to hear that the Supreme Court does not allow interference in the denial of allowances of terrorist children but allows the denial of aid allowances and budgets for children whose father’s great sin is that he studies Torah, and for this reason, it is permissible to deny them education budgets, yeshiva budgets, and who knows what else.” He added: “On the one hand, Supreme Court judges protect the children of terrorists, and on the other hand they deny daycare subsidies to the children of Chareidi working mothers for the ‘sin’ of the father’s limud torah. This is incomparable wickedness and disgrace. It is appropriate that all citizens of the country see this shocking hypocrisy.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)