5 Years ago, in mid-July, not long before the beginning of the new school year, over 100 wonderful girls found themselves without a school to attend in September due to no fault of their own. There simply was no room in the existing schools, which were all bursting at the seams. Something needed to be done, and quickly!
Rabbi Avrohom Landau recognized the need for something to be done, and he jumped in and did it. He left a very successful career at the Lakewood Cheder and undertook the tremendous responsibility of opening a brand new school and doing what was necessary to do for the benefit of the Klal.Fast forward five years.
Meoros Rochel Leah has quickly earned a stellar reputation as a school that provides excellent Chinuch Habanos , in a warm and caring atmosphere, while remaining steadfast to the Mesorah of yesteryear.
The school is embarking on a 48-Hour Matching Campaign to raise the necessary funds to meet their financial obligations. This is the first time since its inception that the school is reaching out to the community at large for assistance.
Our community benefits tremendously from having Meoros Rochel Leah in our midst.
Our community benefits tremendously from the leadership of Rabbi Landau and the remarkable staff at the school.
Our community is one of Torah and Chesed and this campaign is relying on that reputation in order to be successful.
The over 180 Talmidos of Meoros Rochel Leah are turning to you?
The scores of Moros and teachers of Meoros Rochel Leah are relying on you?
The future of Meoros Rochel Leah is in your hands!