All are asked to daven for a refuah for Rav Yitzchok Abadi.
Rav Abadi was transported to the hospital this past Shabbos with pneumonia. His health has since been deteriorating.
The 91-year-old rov and posek, born in Venezuela, moved to Tiveriah as a child and learned in Haifa, then in the Yishuv Hachadash in Tel Aviv, and then at Yeshivas Chevron in Yerushalayim. At age 19, he was sent by the Chazon Ish to learn in Montreux, Switzerland, and a year later he was sent by the Chazon Ish to learn in Lakewood under Rav Aharon Kotler.
A noted halachic expert, Rav Abadi has led a preeminent halacha kollel in Lakewood and in Har Nof, Yerushalayim. His seforim include the two-volume Ohr Yitzchok.
All are asked to daven for Rav Yitzchok ben Rivka.
Yehi zichro boruch.