MSNBC morning host Joe Scarborough offered an intriguing glimpse into the disconnect between private Democratic conversations about President Joe Biden and their public stance. His comments came in response to a Washington Post column by David Ignatius, who called for President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris to reconsider their plans to run in the 2024 election, citing worrisome poll numbers regarding their ability to defeat former President Donald Trump. During the discussion, co-host Mika Brzezinski expressed skepticism and challenged Ignatius to propose an alternative candidate to Biden. Ignatius admitted that he couldn’t identify a better-suited individual, emphasizing the critical decision President Biden must make regarding his potential candidacy. Ignatius said, “That’s what he’s got to — He’s got to look in the mirror, search his soul and make that decision. And I wanted to raise that question. I’d like him to think that through carefully because I have my concerns.” Scarborough interjected to address the issue further, saying, “Just to answer David’s question, Mika and I, everybody, we talk to, every political discussion, all it talks a lot about Trump, but when it comes to Joe Biden, people say, ‘Man, he’s too old to run. He’s, and I mean, he’s not going to; he’s not really going to run…'” Scarborough emphasized the ubiquity of this sentiment, saying, “When I say every discussion, I don’t mean 99% of the discussion. Every discussion.” Scarborough even reached out to Reverend Al Sharpton to confirm that these concerns were not limited to his show alone. Sharpton confirmed that he had heard similar sentiments off the air. Scarborough drew a parallel with Republicans who privately criticize Donald Trump but support him publicly: “Well, let me just say, Democrats, off the air, will say ‘Joe Biden’s too old. Why is he running.’ On the air? They won’t say that.” “My question, of course, Willie, is who could do a better job as president? Is Joe Biden and who can beat Donald Trump? I don’t see a lot of Democrats out there. I don’t see any Democrats out there right now that could do that.” (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
The post THEY ALL KNOW IT: MSNBC Host: Every Democrat Privately Admits Biden Shouldn’t Run In 2024 [VIDEO] appeared first on The Yeshiva World.
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