yahrtzeit-candlesNachum Ish Gamzu, Rabi Akiva’s rebbi for 22 years, buried in Tzefas.
Rav Benzion Yadler, Maggid of Yerushalayim (1952 or 1962)
Rav Asher, the Stoliner Rebbe (1760-1828). The son of Rav Aharon Karliner, he was raised by Rav Shlomo Karliner after his father’s petira. Rav Asher later settled in Stolin.
Rav Shimon ibn Lavie, author of Kesem Paz and composer of “Bar Yochai” (1588)
Rav Tzvi Hirsch Halberstam, Rav of Rudnick (1846-1918), born to Rav Baruch Halberstam of Gorlitz (the son of Rav Chaim of Sanz). At the age of fifteen, Rav Tzvi Hirsch married and later moved to Sanz, then learned with his other grandfather, the Yitav Lev in Sighet. Thereafter, he became the rav of the Polish town of Niska for ten years. In 1887, his father moved to Gorlitz and handed over his rabbinical post in Rudnick to Rav Tzvi Hirsh. Rudnick was a small town on the banks of the San River in southern Poland, near Russia. Rav Tzvi Hirsh’s most famous son was Rav Yekusiel Yehuda, the Sanz-Klausenberg Rebbe, who survived World War II and founded Kiryat Sanz and the Laniado Hospital in Netanyah, Israel. Rav Tzvi Hirsh passed away Kleinvarden, Hungary, and his body was brought to Gorlitz to intern him next to his own father.
Rav Chanoch Henich Dov Padwa, Rav of London (1906-2000). Born in the town of Busk, near Alesk, Galicia, as a young man he studied in Tzelim, and then in the Belz shteibel in Cracow. In time, his family moved to Vienna. There, Rav Chaim Pinter, the Rav of Bukovsk, who became his rav muvhak. >From 1940 to 1955, he served as the rav of the Botei Rand neighborhood of Jerusalem. His first wife was niftar in 1946, leaving him with five children. In 1947, he married Yehudis, the daughter of Rav Avraham Aharon Sonnenfeld, the eldest son of Rav Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld, and she raised his children as her own, even marrying them off. He served as Rav in London for almost 50 years.
Today in History – 15 Av
· The requirement for daughters to marry within their shevet was lifted once the shevatim were settled in Eretz Yisrael, 1256 BCE. The decree prohibited girls from marrying a man from Shevet Binyamin was also cancelled on the Fifteenth of Av.
· The power of the Almohads, a fanatic anti-Jewish Muslim sect in Spain, was broken in battle, 1212.
· Jews of Great Poland were authorized to elect a Chief Rabbi, 1541.
· Jews of Cochin, India received a large shipment of Judaica, including Sifrei Torah from Amsterdam, 1686. The day was celebrated annually.
· Baron Lionel de Rothschild became the first Jew in the British Parliament, 1858, after a new version of the oath of office was agreed upon which expunged references to Christianity.
· Rishon Letzion was founded by a group of 10 families, 1882. Later that year, Baron Edmond de Rothschild, in response to the Russian pogroms and a plea by Rabbi Samuel Mohilever, agreed to help the new moshav. The settlement marked the beginning of the secular aliyah to Eretz Yisrael, more than 70 years after the arrival of the talmidim of the Baal Shem Tov and the Vilna Gaon.
· Tiferes Bachurim, a secret religious youth center, was opened in the Kovno Ghetto, 1942.
· The U.S. embassies in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam were destroyed leaving 256 dead and thousands wounded, 1998. The U.S.’s response was feeble.

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