Rav Shaul Halevi Mortorah, Av Beis Din of Amsterdam, author of Givat Shaul (1660)
Rav Avraham Yechiel of Halberstadt, author of Nezer Hakodesh (1730)
Rav Shlomo Margulies, Rav of Zelitschek, a close talmid of the Baal Shem Tov (1733-1805).
Rav Shabtai Shaltiel, Rav in Yerushalayim (1846).
Today in History – 24 Shvat
· Ritual murder libel of the daughter of the Rav of Speyer, 1195. Although there was no proof of any wrongdoing, she was dismembered and her body was hanged in the market place for a few days. The Rav, along with many others, were killed and their houses burned.
· New Christians (Conversos), especially the wealthy, were attacked in Toledo during a revolt against taxation, 1449. Three hundred citizens banded together to defend themselves and during one attack a Christian was killed. In response, 22 Marranos were murdered and numerous houses burnt.
· Leopold I ordered Jews to be expelled from Vienna within a few months, 1670, having been persuaded to do so by Margaret, the daughter of the Spanish Regent Phillip IV, who blamed the death of her firstborn on the tolerance shown to the Jews.
· Local duke granted Jews right of residence in Stuttgart, Germany, 1779.
· First shul in Madrid dedicated after 425 years, 1917.
{Yahrtzeits licensed to Matzav by Manny Saltiel & Anshe.org}
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