One of the Chassidim involved in a terrible car wreck near the tziyon of Reb Shayale in Kerestir, Hungary, has tragically been niftar. R’ Chaim Yeshaya Steinberg Z”L, a Karlin-Stolin Chossid, was a resident of Beitar Illit in Israel, and was returning from Reb Shayale’s kever when the crash occurred. He was just 26 years old. The accident happened as the vehicle in which R’ Chaim Yeshaya Z”L was traveling collided with a truck just minutes away from Kerestir. He, along with other chassidim in the vehicle, were seriously injured in the incident. While at first hospitalized in Hungary, R’ Chaim Yeshaya was transported to Israel this past Shabbos as his condition deteriorated. Tragically, despite doctors’ efforts and countless tefillos on his behalf, the young avreich was niftar on Thursday night. He is survived by his wife and three young children. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)