A mother of nine perished in a fire that broke out in her home overnight Motzei Shabbos on the yishuv of Kochav Yaakov in Binyamin. Adina Zahavi, a’h, and her husband rescued their children from their beds after waking up to the fire. Adina then collapsed due to smoke inhalation. She was evacuated to the hospital where her death was pronounced shortly later. Eighteen others were injured in the fire, two moderately and 16 lightly, including 12 children. A preliminary investigation revealed that the fire was caused by an electric bike that was being charged in a plug next to a couch in the home. Adina, a’h, made aliyah from the US 20 years ago and met her husband Aryeh in Israel, where they married and established a family. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)