In a heartbreaking conclusion to more than a year of anguish, the bodies of Yousef Al-Zayadni and his son Hamza were discovered in the Gaza Strip, their family was informed on Wednesday. “We were informed that the bodies of Yousef and his son Hamza were found. Our hearts ache. We wanted them to return to the bosom of the family alive – but unfortunately, they returned dead,” said Ali Ziyadne, a grieving relative. “Aisha and her brother Bilal were waiting to hug them. This is a difficult and shocking disaster.” The father and son were among those abducted by Hamas on October 7, 2023, during the brutal invasion of southern Israel that claimed the lives of approximately 1,200 people. Taken from Holit, their fate remained uncertain for over a year as their family clung to hope. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)