In a heart-wrenching incident, a women mother from the Stamford Hill community of London, England, was tragically killed in a three-vehicle accident on the A26 highway in France. Two other individuals perished in the crash as well.
The tragic incident occurred at around 6 PM this evening local time.
The accident occurred in a work zone on the A26, in the direction of Reims-Calais between Neuville-Saint-Vaast and Angres.
The victim, Mrs. Miriam Posen a”h, who was in her forties, was a devoted mother of 10 children. She was traveling in a van with six other family members. They were rushed to the hospital, some in critical condition. Among the injured is Miriam’s husband, Rabbi Shalom Pinchos Posen, a respected mesivta maggid shiur.
Two others from another vehicle, a 75-year-old woman and a 45-year-old man, were killed. Two passengers from the same vehicle, a 14-year-old boy, and a 79-year-old man, were in critical condition and airlifted to Lille University Hospital for treatment.
In the third vehicle involved in the collision, four passengers sustained minor injuries.
All are asked to daven for Shalom Pinchos Asher ben Toba Leah, Esther Bluma bas Miriam, Rochel Leah bas Miriam, Hinda bas Miriam, and Refoel ben Miriam.