An inspiring photo recently went viral of a Chassidish bochur so immersed in learning Torah that he fails to even see a bear passing by. The incident occurred a week ago in the early hours of the morning. The bochur in the photo, a Belzer bochur named Yehoshua Gantzfried, was standing on the porch of the Belzer Beis Shimon yeshivah in the Catskills and learning with great hasmadah. Suddenly a black bear appeared on the grass in front of the porch and walked the full length of the yard but the bochur didn’t even notice it until it was already well past him. One of the mechanchim who saw the video said: “The story which spread at the speed of light, at first among the bochurim, caused a great Kiddush Hashem among frum Jews, who can see palpably that in an area where most people would immediately notice an unwanted guest, a Jew who’s immersed in limmud Torah with hasmadah fails to notice it.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
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